01.10.2024 – Conference against Drought&Flooding: Anti drought&anti flooding techniques for investors, farmers and gardeners

Tuesday  1st October 2024.  1/3 of world soils are at risk of desertification. Even in Western Europe, yield and productivity are always more crippled by climate change and extreme weather events. How to create a climate change resilient farm? how to increase&revive soil productivity by a proper management of the water cycle, using natural methods...

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29.10.2024 – Conference for Forestry: Create and value a climate change resilient forest

Tuesday,  29th October 2024.  In 2023, soils and forests worldwide absorbed only around 2 billion tons of CO2 versus 9 billion tons in 2022. Why? Drought and wildfires in forests ! In this conference, the president of the LuxAA , Philippe Benoit Du Rey,  will introduce the anti drought/fire techniques used worldwide in forests throught proper...

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19.11.2024 – Conference against Drought: The sponge cool and resilient city, rich in biodiversity

Tuesday 19th November 2024.  After the previous conferences dedicated to resilience in lands and forests, this conference about the resilient city closes the cycle of those three LuxAA conferences. In this presentation, the president of the LuxAA ,  an expert in urban planning and a renown specialist in urban biodiversity will share the experience and...

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20.11.2024 – Conference for Biodiversity: Speed Dating european biodiversity and ecological compensation

Wednesday 20th November 2024.  NGOs  (with public utility and tax deductible status) and foundations from EU countries, safeguarding endangered wild and domestic species, gather in Luxembourg to meet donors, impact investors, private bankers, family officers and sponsors, willing to improve their extra financial notation with a strong action in favor of Biodiversity. Local stakeholders having...

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10.12.2024 – Conference for Forestry: The international legal, technical and compliance aspects of forest investment

Tuesday 10th December 2024.  Experts in/from the forest industry gather in Luxembourg to share their experience of how best select, create, introduce, manage, create, track, comply with EUDR, secure, insure forestry investments. This one day technical conference prepares our 2 days international event of 26/27th march 2025, the famous “International forestry investors conference” held for...

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21.01.2025 – Conference for Biodiversity: The legal, technical and compliance aspects of international biodiversity

Tuesday 21st January 2025.  Experts in/from the fund industry, banks, multilateral banks, auditor, regulator, compliance, legal, wealth management gather in Luxembourg to share their experience of how best select, create, introduce, manage, report biodiversity investments into a portfolio and into financial strategies. Attendees of the conference can also meet innovative luxembourgish start ups and service...

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Farming digitalisation

Pour les jeunes agriculteurs, aquaculteurs, vignerons, arboriculteurs, éleveurs, forestiers, les besoins en financement nécessaires à l’installation et au développement d’un outil de travail performant sont souvent bien plus importants que le soutien bancaire maximum qu’ils  arrivent à obtenir. L’appel à des investisseurs privés est donc une ressource indispensable pour qu’ils puissent disposer dès le départ...

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15.04.2025 – Conference for Biodiversity: International infrastructure and biodiversity conference 2025

Tuesday 15th April 2025.  Infrastructures such as highways, solar farms, railways are very often fenced, with little disturbance from Human Beings. How to turn those defacto protected areas into a net optimised emitter of biodiversity? how to best manage invasive plants and animals on those spaces to make sure they do not damage neighbouring local...

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13.05.2025 – Fundraising Conference: Fund raising for agribusiness

Tuesday 13th May 2025.  Entrepreneurs willing to create their first agribusiness fund or start up,  existing funds seeking to additionnal capital for new agribusiness funds and established developping start ups gather in luxembourg to meet experts, service providers, investors, family offices, banks and multilateral banks. In one conference room, exhibitors can show their projects on...

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