10.06.2025 – Fair for Farming Digitalisation&robotics: International Agribusiness App&robots Fair

Tuesday 10th June 2025. 

Entrepreneurs, inventors, developpers and start ups focused  on farming and forestry digitalisation apps and robots gather in Luxembourg to meet investors,  technical partners and commercial partners.

In one conference room, exhibitors will show their projects&products, in another conference room, pitches will take place every 10 minutes on the selected topics

A presentation of the local start ups ecosystem, their service providers, as well as  available national and european subsidies explaining why Luxembourg is the most attractive place in the EU to establish or develop an agribusiness start up will also be provided.

Exhibitors and sponsors interested by the conference (companies, start ups etc) can contact the LuxAA .

To attend this conference, you have to become a member of the LuxAA  by returning this form filled : membership form

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