Farming digitalisation

Pour les jeunes agriculteurs, aquaculteurs, vignerons, arboriculteurs, éleveurs, forestiers, les besoins en financement nécessaires à l’installation et au développement d’un outil de travail performant sont souvent bien plus importants que le soutien bancaire maximum qu’ils  arrivent à obtenir. L’appel à des investisseurs privés est donc une ressource indispensable pour qu’ils puissent disposer dès le départ...

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Farming digitalisation

For young farmers, aquaculturists, winemakers, fruit growers, livestock breeders, and foresters, the financial needs required to set up and develop an efficient working tool are often much greater than the maximum banking support they can obtain. The appeal to private investors is therefore an essential resource so they can have the means to succeed in...

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13.05.2025 – Fundraising Conference: Fund raising for agribusiness

Tuesday 13th May 2025.  Entrepreneurs willing to create their first agribusiness fund or start up,  existing funds seeking to additionnal capital for new agribusiness funds and established developping start ups gather in luxembourg to meet experts, service providers, investors, family offices, banks and multilateral banks. In one conference room, exhibitors can show their projects on...

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